Required Information To Submit For Investigation By email.

"STOP Here and Read" If you are experiencing thoughts that can cause bodily harm to yourself or others, and\or deep depression you cannot explain, SEEK MEDICAL HELP NOW! We do not give medical advice and paranormal teams should not be your first call on any type of health issue. Only licensed doctors who deal with these symptoms can give advice.
 We no longer offer ministry and are NOT MEDICAL DOCTORS. These types of feelings require medical help first and then look to the nearest church for spiritual healing. We deal with location hauntings and not life threatening illness or spiritual attachments.

We cannot assist clients who rent or lease attached locations like town homes or apartments. Sorry, this can cause stress on neighbors or management.

NOTE: We no longer staff an office phone so please email for a return call.
Please email if you are outside of these areas to set up a time to talk over the phone.

1. Your Name.

2. Your Street Address and City

3. Phone number and best times to reach you.

4. A brief description of what type of paranormal activity your are experiencing.

5. Note how long this has been going on and most active times.

Important Notice: No ministry is associated with PAPS. We can suggest ministries only and by no way get reimbursed for suggestions.

The PAPS team does not ask for any reimbursement for investigations.If you like our services you can always donate on the front page of our website. Our concern is you first......

Mail the above information to: 

Someone will contact you in the order your email was received.  

PAPS can assist in cleansings and are based on years of research and investigations but make no claims that all cleansings will be successful.


  When you receive a call or email back from one of our investigators please provide him/her with all further details he/she requires to help understand the extent of your haunt. Your case will be discussed with he team and a decision will be made at that time if we can go forward with the investigation.


Please note that all investigations are handled in a way that your privacy is protected. Types of experiences might be shared with other groups and/or posted on Facebook and Youtube for training and comparison of haunts only by case number! Names, addresses, photos, EVPs, and other documented proof are shared with the client after each case. Any posted material will have all addresses, names, and photos of clients removed for their privacy unless approved prior. All cases are referred to by a case number only. Clients will receive a link to download and keep their investigation. Clients will be asked to sign an investigation permission form and case assignment form when the team arrives. Phoenix Arizona Paranormal Society (PAPS) reserves the right to refuse an investigation without given reason.  Our investigations are on a first come first serve basis. However, we do reserve the right to move investigations in front of others based on severity.  Investigations are done during the night based on highest activity. We make no claims to be total experts in a field that has no way to prove validity. We will do our best to document all activity and provide the client with everything we can to help them understand. Any recommendations are based on our experience from many years of investigation and documenting specific types of haunts.

This is our promise! Our investigators are very professional and considerate of their surroundings when setting up or taking down equipment. If you are truly being haunted the team will be able to discover the extent of the haunt.